Grand Prix Winner DOC & TV Section 2022 Saving Seals Thematic Categories Adventure, Expeditions & Travels Gold Award Zaragoza. Spanish Debut Silver Award Masango: A Munga Story Arts, Culture & Creativity Gold Award Tere Fa'a'ati Silver Award Coming Home: South Africa Environment & Ecology Gold Award Nature Without Borders Gold Award Saving Seals Silver Award Forest Mighties Silver Award From Kili to Coast Silver Award Ours, Not Mine History & Heritage Gold Award Sida Tsoatsoas Silver Award Tabaka Gem Sustainable and Responsible Tourism Gold Award Steve Rodgers Silver Award Children and their survival Travel & Tourism Gold Award Visit Porto & North Travel Series with Gabo the Guide Silver Award A romance-trip through the Gastronomy and Wines of Centro de Portugal, by Chef Diogo Rocha Silver Award PaleoMoz Project: Mozambique, a history to discover Silver Award Passages: Sulu